Sunday, February 28, 2010

Oh puppet master

What do you, who follow my ramblings, think of the idea of a master narrative? I hate to admit it but I think Bourriaud is correct. There is no room for a single stream anymore. There are far too many things occurring all at the same time for there to be a single story teller. I am skeptical that there ever was. There is very little way of telling what the rest of the world was thinking about prior to just recently unless it was written down somewhere. Not so strangely history books are now being written so that they include the rest of the world as oppose to just a western European perspective. Even still these books are hard to come by and marginalized greatly. Just for an example, there is very little history of the Native American written down from a non Eurocentric point of view. The massacre at little big horn, The Boston Massacre… To the “other” they were victories, triumphs, successful engagements. The Eurocentric perspective is now having contention and it is now finally coming out in the art world.

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