Saturday, February 20, 2010

Oh Faith how crazy you are

I was really taken by Alain Badiou quotation “To what are we faithful? To what historical fact are we binding our action?
It is enjoyed taking a moment of reprieve from the dense reading to contemplate this quotation in context to the rest of the reading. My thought process started by looking at the word faith and I began to process. What a loaded word to use. I thought of religion then to our cultural value system, (which I figured was more appropriate) where art fell on this list. I feel as though art falls just short of making the list for the majority of people. I am not entertaining the idea that is not valued; it just merely falls behind kids, food, the mortgage, car payments, school loans, ect. It is a luxury after all, especially in this chaotic time of economic hardship for many. So it seems we are faithful or we value the comforts of peace of mind. We have faith that our material and slavishness will give us some sort of peace or happiness. Perhaps this is why art is so complicated to understand, the value system, it seems to me, is askew.

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